Auto Eye Candy- 1940 Chevy Pickup
I didn't know quite what to expect when we arrived at the South Butler Nostalgia Dragway last weekend. Following a tip from co-workers with cool cars we found ourselves following a twisting line of cars and motorcycles past the remains of a long defunct feed silo and were directed by the nice volunteers at the gate to head out to the field and hopefully to find a spot to park...the turnout for this first car show of the season appeared to surprise the organizers and there were simply cars everywhere, and this wasn't even a race day. That will happen later in June.
Today was all about showing off gorgeous cars to other like-minded enthusiasts and there was plenty of automotive eye-candy to choose from for photos.
From an overwhelming number of options of gorgeous cars to photograph one snagged both Kathy’s eye and mine—Terry Reynold’s 1940 Chevy Pickup. The combination of it’s sinuous curves, glowing paint and impeccable details provided all kinds of of magnificent angles.
I was initially a little bummed with the weather because while it was warm (it was already in the 80's) the sky was really overcast. As it turns out, with the highly reflective surfaces on most of these vehicles, that overcast sky became a giant softbox! This was a really different outing for my new Canon EOS R6. While I would love to have been able to use the 28 to 75mm to get full body shots, the reality is that the cars and trucks at a car show are all parked pretty close together (within 3 to 4 feet of each other). Instead I pulled out my 70-200mm with the EOS RF Adapter and went for shots that featured the interesting angles and details of these hotrods.

For All You Car Fans...More Details on Terry Reynolds
1940 Chevy Pickup
Terry restored his first car in 1978, a 1932 Ford 3 Window Coup and since then he’s restored a 1963 Ford Fairlane, a 1937 Ford Sedan and a 1931 5 Window Coup, and finally, this 1940 Chevy Pickup. Say’s Terry, “I’d been looking for a pickup to restore and found this one on Craigs list.
Terry is quick to credit the crew of craftsmen that contributed to the final results. Terry did the body work himself. When it came to this gorgeous burnt orange paint—Dupont’s Firesand Effect base coat and clear coat— it was off to Gary Shumway and Mack’s Body Shop. The beautiful cream upholstery, compliments of John Bates and JMB Upholstery. The gleaming dashboard was created by the craftsmen at TarjacH2O LLC. owned by Tara Larsen. And the most recent touches to this automotive piece of art were custom stainless steel moldings produced by Jim and Carol Stauner’s McMillan Rod & Custom.