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The Paradox of Professional Photography

While wearing my hat as a professional photographer I've had the chance to take some amazing, dramatic shots. Most of my professional photos involve horse shows, and they—like any sporting event— are a "target rich environment". These venues provide endless opportunities for excitng images, but along with that comes an equal number of limitations based on customer expectations and scheduling.

As I combed through my photo archives to choose some of my favorite images for this blog post, none of them came from a preconceived idea of what was that possible on that day. They ended up being photos that I “also got". All of pictures came from being open to the moment as it unfolded.

My advice for the day?

Be flexibly focused. While achieving what the client has hired you to do-don’t kill the creative moment that just might volunteer to be one of your favorite shots.

Mike Troxler Photography-Equine-Arabian Mare MK Dasha

Jamie Becker—Freeville, NY, 2009. On her way for Army training at Ft. Lee VA, Jamie (she was still Jamie Mobley at the time) stopped for a visit at our new digs in Freeville. We couldn't pass up the chance to take pictures of Jamie with "her" mare MK Dasha.

Mike Troxler Photography-Equestrian

Dan Bruce—Troxler's Round Pen, Colorado Springs, 2008. If there is such a thing as a "Master Horseman" Dan was it. A lot of people would refer to Dan as "that guy you know that is a really great colt breaker" and while that was true, he was much more! This photo was taken during a first saddling session on our Monogramm gelding, MK Captain Jack.

Mike Troxler Photography-Portrait

Kelly Baxendell—Buttermilk Falls, Ithaca, NY, 2013. This photo was taken at the end of the shooting day for Kelly's senior portraits. After we covered her "wish list" we experimented with a slightly different look.

Mike Troxler Photography-Portait

Paige—Island Beach State Park, October, 2013. This shot was an absolute "gift" captured during a equine photo shoot for Eliza Banks. I took amazing pictures of Eliza and her black Arabian stallion, DBA Jeremiah+, but I think the pictures of Paige enjoying the day on the beach are timeless.

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